JazzCentral — WZUM Jazz Pittsburgh

WZUM is the Pittsburgh Jazz Channel! Support the service and the growing jazz community with a click at the Donate Now button!

Jazz Central Calendar

Send your information about jazz events by clicking on the button to Submit Jazz Events. Getting the information as soon as possible is a great help, too!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter - you can send us info and pictures through those sites, too.

Click HERE to see what’s happening now and in the next few days.


WZUM and the Jazz Central Calendar are supported in part by the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council. The Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council champions the arts in Southwestern Pennsylvania, providing financial, professional, and political support for the arts and culture sector. Comprised of more than 600 diverse artists and nonprofit organizations, the Arts Council offers valuable research, legal and business consulting, networking, and professional development opportunities so that artists, as well as arts leaders and organizations, can grow their skills and advance their practice. The Arts Council provides grants for artists and arts organizations, leads the region's arts advocacy at the local, state, and national level, and models best practices for accessibility and equity in the arts. To learn more, visit PittsburghArtsCouncil.org.

Jazz Central Event Submission Form